Fitzrovia Noir

Appointed by TruthStudio as web developers, we had the privilege of launching a website for this fantastic arts community. We successfully brought their new brand to life through a small yet cohesive WordPress website that tells their story in their own words.


Among their common interests they found they had a link to the central London enclave of Fitzrovia: Garry as a long-time resident and Lucy who had been born there at the Middlesex Hospital. On discovering that this 250 year old institution was to be demolished, they moved rapidly to document it, contacting the developers to allow access to the site for an artistic intervention.


Project Background

They invited fine artist Graham Carrick who had lived opposite the hospital, specialist large-format photographer Peter Mackertich and audio-visual artist Pamela Furness to collectively respond to the rich history of this hospital’s huge site and unusually complex building. The works made and documented in-situ resulted in a unique documentation project spanning painting, film, found object, portrait photography and projections entitled ’Memory and Demolition’. So in 2008. Fitzrovia Noir was born.

Website Development

This website includes amazing video and photographic documentation of their outreach projects over the past 14 years. This custom-designed website required a range of functionality to enhance and support their fantastic case studies and a simple but effective user experience draws comparisons with other well-known artists and communities.


Civic University Network


Real Food Festival